Master Cleanse Comparison

A side-by-side comparison with The Master Cleanse


Cleanse Regimen


Colonix® Cleansing Program

The Master Cleanse


Days 1-5:
Take 2 Paranil capsules on an empty stomach upon waking with an 8-ounce glass of water.

After about 15 minutes, take a mixture of 1/2 scoop of Internal Cleanser (fiber) and 8-ounce liquid drink of choice (e.g., water, fruit juice, nut/seed/grain drink, or soy milk). Follow with a full eight-ounce glass of pure water. During the day, consume an additional 6-8 eight-ounce glasses of pure water.

In the evening, steep onetea bag of KleriTea for 1-2 minutes with hot water. Drink before retiring to bed.

Days 6-30:
Take 4 Paranil capsules on an empty stomach upon waking with an 8-ounce glass of water.

After about 15 minutes, take a mixture of 1 full scoop of Internal Cleanser (fiber) and 8-ounce liquid drink of choice (e.g., water, fruit juice, nut/seed/grain drink, or soy milk). Follow with a full eight-ounce glass of pure water. During the day, consume an additional 6-8 eight-ounce glasses of pure water.

Every other evening or less frequently, steep one tea bag of KleriTea for 2-6 minutes with hot water. Drink before retiring to bed.

Days 31-35:
Take a five-day break from both the Paranil and KleriTea. Take the Internal Cleanser (fiber) daily, drinking 6-8 eight-ounce glasses of pure water throughout the day.

Days 36-90:
Continue as before, taking 4 Paranil capsules on an empty stomach upon waking with an 8-ounce glass of water.

After about 15 minutes, take a mixture of 1 full scoop of Internal Cleanser (fiber) and 8-ounce liquid drink of choice (e.g., water, fruit juice, nut/seed/grain drink, or soy milk). Follow with a full eight-ounce glass of pure water. During the day, consume an additional 6-8 eight-ounce glasses of pure water.

Every other evening or less frequently, steep one tea bag of KleriTea for 2-6 minutes with hot water. Drink before retiring to bed.

No change in diet is required, though instructions given with the program suggest that the best results come in conjunction with a sensible diet and lifestyle.


The Ease-In:
For the first day, eat only “live foods” (i.e., fresh fruits and vegetables), removing all meats and dairy from the diet as well as any processed foods.

For the second day, consume only fruits and vegetables in the form of juices, purees, soups, and broths.

For the third and final day, consume only 2 liters of freshly squeezed orange juice (preferably from organic oranges), with diluted with pure water to taste.

The Cleanse:
On a daily basis for 10 days, drink 6-12 eight-ounce glasses of a concoction made by mixing 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, 2 tablespoons of fresh squeezed lemon juice, 1/10-1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, and one cup of pure water.

No other food or drink (other than caffeine-free herbal tea) is allowed during the cleanse.

Salt Water Flush (SWF):
At some point during each day of the cleanse, drink a mixture of 1 liter of pure water and 2 teaspoons - 1 tablespoon of sea salt. Ignore the need to eliminate as long as possible.

When you can no longer “hold it,” allow bowels to move. It is common for the bowels to move 7-10 times within approximately an hour. Many choose to do this step at night before bed, though Glickman has suggested on his blog that doing so may make it difficult to sleep and “wash away” the lemon and cayenne, rather than letting them “work” in the body overnight.

The Ease-Out:
Essentially, the same as the Ease-In, but in reverse. For the first day, consume only 2 liters of freshly squeezed orange juice (preferably from organic oranges), diluted with pure water to taste.

For the second day, consume only fruits and vegetables in the form of juices, purees, soups, and broths.

For the third and final day, eat only “live foods” (i.e., fresh fruits and vegetables), refraining from consuming any meats and dairy, as well as any processed foods.



Duration of Cleanse

Colonix® Cleansing Program

The Master Cleanse


The Colonix Cleansing Program is intended to be used for 30-90 days.

Those who have never completed an internal cleanse should follow the Colonix Program for a full 90 days.

Those who have done the full 90-day cleanse can do a 30-day Colonix cleanse as “maintenance” every 6-12 months.

The Internal Cleanser (fiber) component of the Colonix Program can be used every day, year-round.


Master Cleanse is typically considered a 10-16 day program, depending on whether or not the Ease-In and Ease-Out phases are followed.

Some sources advocate using The Master Cleanse as often and as long as desired. Glickman has suggested the cleanse can be healthfully followed for as little as 10 days and as many as 40, depending on a person’s “nutritional reserves.”



How Cleansing Works

Colonix® Cleansing Program


Master Cleanse


The Colonix Cleansing Program is designed to work with the body’s natural elimination system, thereby contributing to long-term health over a gradual time frame.

As a three-part regimen, the Colonix Program utilizes the power of herbs to stimulate and support the body’s natural detoxification and elimination abilities.

For example, Aloe vera, psyllium husks, flaxseed, licorice root, clove, fennel, and fenugreek, are among the many herbs that comprise the DrNatura Colonix Program components. Many of these herbs have been used for thousands of years to support healthy digestion, soothe and protect sensitive digestive tract membranes, and boost overall health and wellness.

The combination of herbs makes the Colonix Program a powerful natural cleansing and detoxification program.

When the Colonix Program is used on a daily basis for 30-90 days, it cleans the body from the inside out, gently assisting the body in its own natural detoxification system.


The Master Cleanse utilizes the specific properties of its few ingredients to cleanse and purge the body of toxins and waste.

The inclusion of pure water ensures proper hydration and helps flush toxins out of the body, while maple syrup provides calories needed throughout the day to support metabolism and provide small amounts of some nutrients.

The inclusion of the fresh lemon juice and cayenne pepper give Master Cleanse its greatest therapeutic value. Lemon juice delivers enzymes, moderate amounts of vitamin C, and the phytochemical limonene, known for its antiseptic properties. Cayenne pepper introduces its phytochemical capsaicin, a potent anti-bacterial, metabolism and circulation boosting agent. Cayenne pepper also supports the body with small amounts of some nutrients.

The Salt Water Flush seems to produce the most dramatic effect, as it forces the body to eliminate, effectively voiding the contents of the large intestine over a very short time. This is repeated on a daily basis during The Master Cleanse, effectively scouring the intestines of waste matter.

When The Master Cleanse is used for the requisite 10-16 days, it produces a strong purging effect.



Cleansing Cost


Colonix® Cleansing Program

The Master Cleanse


The Colonix Program is offered in kits that last for approximately 1 month. As listed, 1 Colonix Program kit costs $75.00.

Additionally, weekly specials are offered via email to DrNatura customers. Many of these specials include significant reductions in price on Colonix Program kits and other supplemental products.

Purchases on also come with a 60-day unconditional money-back guarantee.


The cost of Master Cleanse can vary significantly. Users may pay different amounts according to the quality and quantity of the ingredients purchased, the store at which the purchases are made, or if they purchase one of several “ready-made” cleansing packs available from online retailers.

At the time of this writing, a “ready-made” 10-day organic kit is available at a leading online retail outlet for $72.95 + shipping/handling. This kit, sold by Peter Glickman, Inc., does not include lemons, but comes with a copy of Glickman’s book.

A 10-day, 10 pound supply of organic lemons is also available online for $21.34 (includes shipping).

Accordingly, purchasing The Master Cleanse components online can cost $94.29 (+ shipping/handling for the kit portion).

Purchasing the individual components at a local grocery store may cost significantly less.

Stanley Burroughs’ Master Cleanse Diet. (n.d.) Retrieved October 28, 2011 from

Peter Glickman, Author. (n.d.). Retrieved October 28, 2011 from

Burroughs, S. (1976). The Master Cleanser. Burroughs Books. pp. 15-16.

How Long Should I Do This? (2006). Master Cleanse FAQ. Retrieved October 28, 2011 from

Aloe. (2011). Medline Plus. Retrieved October 28, 2011 from

Licorice. (2011). Medline Plus. Retrieved October 28, 2011 from

Clove. (2010). Medline Plus. Retrieved October 28, 2011 from

Fenugreek. (2010). National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Retrieved October 28, 2011 from

Master Cleanse 10-Day Organic Kit with Free MC Book. (n.d.) Retrieved October 28, 2011 from

Fresh Lemons for Sale. (n.d.). Retrieved October 28, 2011 from

Glassman, K. (n.d.) Retrieved October 28, 2011 from;contentBody

Weil, A. (2007). Fasting for Weight Loss., Retrieved October 28, 2011 from

Tsai, P. (2007). The Real Deal on the Master Cleanse Diet., Retrieved October 28, 2011 from

Dolson, Laura. All About Fiber. (2007)., Retrieved October 28, 2011 from